
Thanks for visiting my blog! I usually post a few pictures from my latest Photoshoots here and some random other things I love. You can find my website by using the link at the bottom of the page! Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

Specializing In:

Snow Days!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We have had the rare chance of having snow here in Georgia, something we get once a year at most! Luckily it stuck long enough to get out in it and take some pictures! DSC_8183  DSC_8171 DSC_8139copyDSC_9080 copy2

Bart Hansen

Had a shoot in Nashville with the very talented Bart Hansen, a singer/songwriter in Nashville with an amazing voice. He is currently touring with Loretta Lynn.  I’ll put up more pictures later this week, but here’s a preview:


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FUN photoshoot for a friend who makes tutu’s for little girls. You can check her out at!



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Prom Season

I had my first prom photoshoot of the year last week, I have another next week. Prom shoots are so fun, who doesn’t like taking pictures of pretty dresses? Today’s was for hair, check it out!

Megan  Megan (13) Megan (26)

Three Months

Here is Baby Aubrey at 3 days, One Month,  Two Months, and Three Months!  Enjoy!


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I wish I knew how to make the landscape ones view larger, she is so beautiful!